A student listening to the dean.
Dean Jay Gladden talking with students
Dean Jay Gladden shaking the hand of a student.

As for University College itself, Gladden reckons that “if University College were a donut, it’d have to be a sprinkled icing donut. The sprinkles would represent the multitude of diversity and student interests that we have in this school.” A sprinkle donut would certainly represent the fun, upbeat nature of the division’s staff, who work diligently to provide students with a positive, engaging atmosphere in which to explore their career paths at IUPUI and beyond. As for the icing, Jaspreet Dhillon, a student employee in the division, says that “it represents how University College holds everyone together,” which is apparent with the success of this first Donuts with the Dean event. Never underestimate the connecting power of a donut. Ever.

For more information, contact the Division of Undergraduate Education Office of Communications at duecomm@iupui.edu.