Q: What are you most excited about in your new role or about being on our campus?

A: I like to see the division and the institution through the eyes of a student. I’m excited to bring that perspective to everything, and so when I'm pushing for processes to change, it's because I'm thinking from a student's perspective. I'm excited to have the chance to ask those questions and push the institution that way.

The most exciting thing is to be on campus. It’s Indianapolis, and it’s exciting to see the coming realignment and help us to take every opportunity that becoming IU Indianapolis means. I think there's enormous possibility.


Q: Is there anything else that you'd like to share about you?

A: A characteristic of mine that I value is I am so willing to call myself ignorant. When I'm starting something new, even though I've been a part of Indiana University for a long time, my great modesty about my own knowledge is helpful because every one of these campuses is very different. I'm learning every day.

For more information, contact the Division of Undergraduate Education Office of Communications at duecomm@iupui.edu.